Change Yourself, Change the World.

Editor's Note: "The one statement that she continued to repeat, and caused to me to think a lot, was to be an extraordinary, ordinary person. At first I found this to be slightly confusing but the more she spoke about who she was, and her life journey, it became clear. Her message was for me to be myself, to use my talents. And, for some reason, the way she made me feel gave me the confidence that I lacked..." 11th grader, Sienna writes. These stories highlight the enormous potential when students are invited to tune into their strengths, and show up as the fullest versions of themselves. --Daniela

Notes From South Africa

High school students introspect on an immersive learning journey that spans a dialogue with Desmond Tutu, playing with children affected by HIV/AIDS, observing the influence of apartheid, and beyond.

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The Personalized Learning Continuum

Along the continuum of personalized learning, Jennie Magiera explores the space between "siloed differentiation" and "authentic inquiry-based learning".

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Friendship From 5 Fifth Graders

When five fifth graders noticed their classmate with a learning disability getting teased, they band together and made him a part of their crew.

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Be The Change Idea

Make everyone around you feel comfortable today.