Change Yourself, Change the World.

Editor's Note: It's decorative gourd season! Welcome to this month's newsletter, which has nothing to do with that :) Patience has been a running theme for me this past year, thought a short note on it may be of benefit to others also, among the tidbits shared this month. Wishing you well! Regards, Birju

How to Cultivate Patience

Greater Good Science Center with several tips on growing the practice of patience, along with reminders of the benefits of having that capacity in ones skill set.

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Transformative Tech as a Future of Human Well-Being

A presentation slide deck from the Transformative Technology Conference folks - focusing on what's going on in the world of how technology supports well-being. Lots of growth, interesting possibilities in what is inevitably a paradox, at best :)

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Bringing Your 'Whole Self' To Work

Highlighting a recent book of this name, this article looks to define what it means to bring one's whole self, along with practices to support that possibility. One big example - start with appreciation.

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The Ripple of One Positive Change

One of the favorites of this space, Shawn Achor, highlighting how ripple effects work in a business setting. One act actually can make a difference even though it doesn't fit our paradigm of 'scalability' and 'replicability' :)

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Be the Change

Try one thing to cultivate patience this week. If you're like me, this is definitely a place of growth! In my case, that will mean going into the heartbreak of my impatience, being with the discomfort of accepting whatever i'm impatient for happening - to not happen. Wishing you well in your work practices :)