Here's One I Just Had To ...
--George Myers
1 minute read
Mar 27, 2013


Here's one I just had to share because it shows the almost immediate impact your efforts produce in our readers of Daily Good:
George :})

Dear Team,

When I read today's Be the Change the first person or group of people that came to my mind to whom I should write a note was you! Its been only two days since I have subscribed for Daily Good, and I eagerly wait everyday to read an inspiring story from your team. These stories just reiterate the fact that goodness still exists and it begins from you! Just today as I walked out from a restaurant having a soothing cool juice in the evening I saw an old lady sitting at the door, I smiled and asked her if she would like to have a chai and she said she just had one, I insisted if she would like to eat something and she smiled and said can you buy me two cakes and replied with a smile and two cakes for her, followed by a short conversation, I went my way and she continued to sit there all by herself after the smiles we exchanged ~your team definitely had a role to play in the happiness that the lady experienced and the happiness that I did! Thank you so much! Looking forward to all the Daily Good emails!

Regards, Ruhi 


Posted by George Myers on Mar 27, 2013