Immeasurable Is Real Too?
--Tom Mahon
1 minute read
Apr 22, 2013


In 1997 I spoke at a conference, co-sponsored by the AI Lab at MIT and the Harvard Divinity School, on the subject of science and spirituality.
One of the distinguished scientists who spoke made a compelling case that only that which is measurable is real.  And in case anyone missed the point, he repeated his argument several times.
Having no scientific or theological reputation to protect, I rose to question the esteemed speaker, whose stink-eye alone could scuttle an academic career: Is that a wedding ring you’re wearing, I asked.  “Yes, I’m married.”
Do you have children?  “Yes, we have children.”
Do you love your children?  “Of course, I love my children.  What’s your point?”
Where does that love of your children fit in a universe where only the measurable is real?   “I’ve wondered about that…”
And? “… well, it’s complicated.”
Yes, it is.


Posted by Tom Mahon on Apr 22, 2013

1 Past Reflections