Anyone Familiar With Karma Kitchen Knows ...
--Praveen Krishnamurthy
1 minute read
Aug 27, 2013


Anyone familiar with Karma Kitchen knows that the guests come in to the restaurant and leave as different people, but the people who experience the biggest dose of love, generosity, and transformation are the volunteers. After 5-6 hours of serving, sharing, gifting, and smiling, one cannot help but be transformed.

This note from a volunteer at KK Berkeley sums it all:

"It was such a beautiful experience for me. Coming onboard from almost "didn't make it", I was just pumped to meet the fellow "Karmic Kindlers" and sharing the experience hand in hand with all. Ever so hard I try, there is nothing that I can keep a finger on that went the wrong way. I was greeted with the biggest hug as I walked in at 9:17 a.m. and I parted with the warmest of them, and to supplement any teeny tiny dearth of love, there were hugs and smiles along the way. I was overwhelmed with love and smiles for the biggest stretch of time in my life. I had walked into acquaintances, I went back with tons of heartening stories and the best of friends. I cannot wait to be there again, and for what it's worth - I'm just a call away :)"

Giving is receiving, indeed! 


Posted by Praveen Krishnamurthy on Aug 27, 2013

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