Tonight Awakin Circle In Detroit
--Nilam Chauhan
1 minute read
Aug 28, 2013


Just quick note!   Today's Awakin gathering in Detroit will be the most memorable one for me! The circle of sharing on kindness was amazing! Everybody talked from their heart!  It was so unique -- and our most diverse group so far that we've ever have had on Wednesday.  Most of them were new comers; out of eight ...Trevor  from Detroit, Majid from Lebanon, Wasam from Dubai, Harry from Israel, Daniel from South Michigan, Mariel from Philly and a Quaker, me and uncle from India! (We missed Sateen!)  All from different cultures and religious backgrounds ... yet we all had so much in common to share! Kindness just opened our hearts and we connected.  Nobody felt like a stranger.  Kindness was in the air!  So so grateful for Wednesdays in our lives! Life is not the same anymore! It's so wonderful! :):) 


Posted by Nilam Chauhan on Aug 28, 2013

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