Every So Often We Receive A ...
--Pavi Mehta
1 minute read
Oct 16, 2013


Every so often we receive a DailyGood thank you note that's just too sweet Not to share! Here is the latest in that category: "How good is daily good?! I just wanted to say a heartfelt thank you to daily good and all the beautiful volunteers who make it happen. Life has been an interesting challenge in the last few years as in my thirties I experienced some emotional health issues for the first time. Lots of soul searching.....Am trying to meditate regularly but...... I know, I know! But in finding daily good I created a ritual with my daily emails. Every morning I get up early and sit with brekkie and read my "good" I always try to think of at least one friend who that days message might be relevant to and I share it. This simple little ritual which is also about carving out a little "me" time in a busy life has been wonderful. I often sit with tears of joy, gratitude even sort of happy sadness while I ponder that days "good" So how good Is daily good? Very! I am very grateful. Thanks everyone. Love, D"


Posted by Pavi Mehta on Oct 16, 2013