Moved By Love, Bangalore
--Anupreet Kaur
1 minute read
Oct 26, 2013


We just held a one-day retreat in Bangalore with Nipunbhai, Siddharth, Lahar, and Deven. The opening circle set a powerful tone, as we engaged in an lively discussion on various edge; after lunch, we took to the streets to plant trees, decorate a senior park with hand-made art, and give tea to watchmen and service staff on the streets; and then we close with a silent walk and circle of gratitude. It is very difficult to describe anyone what we did the full day yesterday. The activities that we engaged in were not novel or extraordinary. But the power of the gathering and the space was SO extra ordinary, that it moved many to tears at various points of the day. By the end of day, all of us were filled up with so much of positive energy and gratitude and love. Feeling unexplainable elevation ...


Posted by Anupreet Kaur on Oct 26, 2013