This Saturday Is The One Year ...
--Sarah Mozelle
1 minute read
Dec 9, 2013


This saturday is the one year anniversary of a terrible event in America in which 20 children, 6 educators, the mother of and the gunman were all killed. I am moved by the request that was made by united families of the survivors of this shooting: please do an act of service in memory of our loved ones on the anniversary. They are asking the media to stay away, they are lighting candles at home. There is a great dignity in the way this is being navigated and I find it beautiful that from the ashes of their grief, this community has come together to create something good out of something so painful. I will be dedicating an offering of service in honor of this event and invite you to join me. To follow is a link to the mainstream news piece i watched that was powerful in a quiet way. 


Posted by Sarah Mozelle on Dec 9, 2013