Economy Of Gifts
--Srikumar Rao
1 minute read
Dec 23, 2013


In Economy of Gifts article, Thanissaro Bhikkhu eloquently speaks about the gift economy: "Above all, the economy of gifts allows for specialization, a division of labor from which both sides benefit. Those who are willing can give up many of the privileges of home life in return for the opportunity to devote themselves fully to dharma practice. Those who stay at home can benefit from having full-time dharma practitioners around on a daily basis. The Buddha began the monastic order on the first day of his teaching career because he saw the benefits that come with specialization. Without it, the practice tends to become diluted, negotiated into the demands of the monetary economy. The dharma becomes limited to what will sell and what will fit into a schedule dictated by the requirements of family and job. In this sort of situation, everyone ends up poorer in things of the heart." 


Posted by Srikumar Rao on Dec 23, 2013