To Know Our Truth We Need ...
1 minute read
Mar 11, 2014


To know our truth we need to listen to our body. How do we listen to our body on a day to day basis? Well the answer is many of us don’t. We are too busy and wrapped up in our busy lives. Our authentic self exists in silence. In order to reveal that self, we need to find stillness and silence daily. Meditation or sitting still and listening to our inner voice helps us to do this. During this time, listen to what your body tells you. Ask it questions and see what answers come back to you. What messages does it give you? What feelings does it give you? What pictures does it show you? What sounds does it make? What do these sounds, pictures and feelings mean to you? Our body always has the answers, we just need to listen and be patient with ourselves. Write in a journal about what your meditations reveal to you. It can reveal things from the past or talk you to about what is happening in your life right now. Just trust that you will get the answers you need. This process takes practice and patience, Treat yourself well and know that with time you will get to where you need to be.


Posted by Dominique on Mar 11, 2014