Sneak Peek Into Our Awakin Call Today.
--Vinya Sankaran Vasu
1 minute read
Mar 29, 2014


We had a beautiful Awakin Call with Sureshbhai Parmar this morning/afternoon/evening :). Sureshbhai has visited over 700 villages and continues his noble work of inspiring change by building heart to heart connections, one village at a time. We will be posting a detailed blog entry in the coming week, In the meantime, here are some tidbits from his reflections:
"Do your duty with no expectations, the fruits will blossom naturally."
"My work with environmental sanitation is my inner communion with God."
"Noble friends uncover the cleanliness of heart within."
"When we try to teach someone something, we work with our head, not our heart. Practise small actions from the heart and that will inspire folks to evolve on their own." 
"Let's go towards internal purification, not external achievement."

Thank you Sureshbhai for your ever loving, inspiring spirit :).


Posted by Vinya Sankaran Vasu on Mar 29, 2014

3 Past Reflections