Book Suggestions?
--Sunaina Chugani
1 minute read
Apr 2, 2014


At the end of last semester, I gave the business students in my Consumer Behavior class a copy of Infinite Vision with the hopes of planting the seed of the ability to do good while doing business. I am trying to think about which book I can give to my students this semester. Any ideas of books that business students would appreciate?

Just to give some context of the class: we just finished talking about finding deeper sources of fulfillment than the fulfillment that comes from acquiring material products, and they will be doing a gratitude journal exercise for 10-14 days. Both concepts of digging deeper and practicing gratitude seemed to resonate with them. The rest of the time we talk about more traditional consumer psychology topics (pricing perceptions, attention, information processing, decision-making, etc.).

Would love some suggestions! 


Posted by Sunaina Chugani on Apr 2, 2014

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