As I Was Researching The Plight ...
--Doctora Vazquez
1 minute read
Apr 11, 2014


Moroccan orphans and street children: In my recent research trip to Morocco, a dirty secret was revealed. The issue of child maids in this country. The status of girls in this society and the tragic circumstances that shape the path of so many of these lost girls continues to feed into this country's underground sexual trafficking market. The victims are street children/orphans that try to survive. Many of the girls that end up on the street were once child maids that "grew up" and now didn't want to return to their impoverished rural lives after serving as an uneducated child maid in the big city. Many of these lost girls fall prey to the predatory schemes of pimps promising to help these girls out. This summer the work continues with my research team. 



Posted by Doctora Vazquez on Apr 11, 2014

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