Touching Gesture From A Student
--Sunaina Chugani
1 minute read
May 21, 2014


I decided to gift my students Give and Take this semester, but wasn't able to order the books in time before the last day of class. So, students gave me their mailing addresses and I told them the books will be delivered to them this summer via Amazon. I have many students, so last week I asked one if she would be interested in helping me place the orders, a job that will take many hours, in return for an hourly payment.

She agreed last week and I felt relieved to have some help with the task. But this week, she changed her mind! "I don't want you to pay me for placing the orders. You are doing this from your heart, so I am happy to help."

What a sweet act of generosity and open-heartedness, especially because she knows how many hours the job will take! Definitely touched.


Posted by Sunaina Chugani on May 21, 2014