Stop And Hug
1 minute read
Aug 19, 2014


My nine year old daughter has walked to school almost every day of her school life and each morning the same crossing guard, Ms. Leslie is there to help us safely cross the street. She and my daughter have a special ritual of hugging. My daughter runs to her, they hug, lock eyes and Ms. Leslie twirls her around once with the "stop" sign in one hand. Once, a neighbor driving her 3 children to school told me they feel lucky when they get the chance to witness this. Any fighting in the car that is going on, stops and they all share the joy between these two. This morning after watching them and having crossed the street to the other side, I said "That looked like so much fun can I have a hug too?" Ms. Leslie smiled and we embraced a full 5 seconds. I could feel our skin touching neck to neck and sense her heart beat. We didn't lock eyes but we did allow our humanness to connect. I got a little teary eyed when she looked at me and said, "Thank you so much. It gets hard out here some days, when drivers can be so rude." As we walked away, my daughter ... full story: Stop and Hug


Posted by on Aug 19, 2014