We Inspire Each Other
--Harshida Mehta
1 minute read
Aug 27, 2014


As I was getting ready to leave for work, mailman delivered a box. It was one of the unusual days when I was not running late. It was addressed to Service Space Mom and Service Space Dad. I opened carefully wrapped and nicely packed box from an anonymous sender.

It had a beautiful spoon rest with hand crafted inscription "Made with love and Gratitude for SS Mom for all inspiration" on it. In a separate bag marked "for Service Space Dad" there were 3 hand crafted gifts -- Kindness, Gratitude and "Peace begins with Smile."

It also happened to be the birthday of ServiceSpace Dad, and I found myself thanking the Universe for such a poignant reminder of receiving unexpected gifts, paying it forward, and raising awareness around our deep interconnected-ness.

The gifts found home with four ServiceSpace family members who practice Kindness, Gratitude and Service all the time and came to help me chop vegetables for Awakin circle (even though two of them were flying out the next day).

Thank you for the beautiful and anonymous gifts. We inspire each other.



Posted by Harshida Mehta on Aug 27, 2014

1 Past Reflections