Thank you all for sharing so much love in California, and for the continuous inspiration you give to this world in so many ways! It was amazing to be there every Wednesday for almost 2 months!! While I was gone, Awakin Burgos continued on here in Spain. And more recently, we had some beautiful inspiration and friendship gatherings.
In another gathering with family and friends we organically co-created a circle of appreciation. It was so beautiful and special! A very powerful thing was that my mother opened it up ... For her it has always been challenging to say good things to other people, so it was such a wonderful surprise when she started the circle and offered all of us words of love and appreciation. One lady present there said that in 25 years of relationship, she hadn't seen her husband talking like that -- straight from the heart. :)
Over the next months, I have decided to focus on meditation as I try to pay forward all your love. I will be sitting in a 10-day as you reading this, so I will see you on the cushion! :)
Posted by Joserra Gonzales on Nov 23, 2014