I've Been Trying To Explore What ...
--Somik Raha
1 minute read
Nov 24, 2014


I've been trying to explore what it is about service that makes it sacred - it started with the thoughts on this topic that i had the privilege to share during the ServiceSpace retreat this year. During my travels in India, I have been getting some more time to reflect, and have finally had a chance to share these more publicly on the huffpo blog. Wanted to share it with our community here.

Sacred Service | Somik Raha

Some people call sacred service selfless service, referring to the practice of emptying oneself of ego, but selfless service seems like hard work. On the contrary, those who serve selflessly have a great lightness of being and seem to have a practice...

Posted by Somik Raha on Nov 24, 2014

1 Past Reflections