Wild Eyes, Poem By Steve Karlin
--Anne Veh
2 minute read
Jan 3, 2015


We had a beautiful Awakin call with Steve Karlin this morning. Steve shared stories and experiences of how we can connect to our wild nature, our true nature. Something special happens when one being connects to another being. After the call, Steve was inspired to share a peom he wrote: 

Wild Eyes searching my being for intention.
I look at their faces, they look into mine, searching the hidden
I reply by quieting my mind.

Wild Eyes searching for connection with confused humanity
Burning into our hidden places filled with the breakable.
Opening to what predators love. What prey love.
What human’s strive for in the quiet moments

To relax the walls
To open the window
To breathe new air
To understand the unknowable
The wild takes us over and we are free from social norms
Free to live as wild eyes are searching my being for intention

Alone in the recesses of my mind are
Wild heart
Wild intent
Wild life
Wild thought
Wild beings
and the human beings being civilized and all that stuff,
Consuming the wild as if it were a desert.
No thought
No awareness other than the one made by a copy writer who gets paid by the word.
Stories made for our perceptions so we no longer write our own.

Wild eyes are searching our being for intentions
Snarling teeth
Full eyes
Deep growls of our misunderstanding

Blue whales forgiving our transgressions by greeting us in a small boat
Elephants trying to live their lives
Wolves running from airplanes of death
and from civilized stories

Wild eyes are searching our being for intention
The living earth is a backdrop to the human drama
This is the narrative of existence ignored and discounted, like a sale at Macys.

Wild eyes searching our being for intention.     


Posted by Anne Veh on Jan 3, 2015

1 Past Reflections