Rethinking International Development
--Lavanya Marla
1 minute read
Feb 27, 2015


An interesting article on why people are losing faith in international development. The article points out that multi-national organizations have gained far more than the benefit that international aid has brought to developing nations. "We need to break with the logic of growth altogether, and abandon the mistaken assumption that wealth equates to happiness and freedom." "We would also need to roll out new, saner measures of economic progress, such as the Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI), or the Happy Planet Index (HPI) presently being developed by the New Economics Foundation." An alternative the article provides is "​to evolve new narratives and new visions, speaking to the public about the imperative of justice, and uniting people in opposition to an economic system that impoverishes and degrades." This is exactly what Nipun's post on Well-Being explores, and what SS members work towards! 


Posted by Lavanya Marla on Feb 27, 2015