Young Spiritual Ancestors
--Nilam Chauhan
1 minute read
Apr 23, 2015


I've been reading Thich Nhat Hahn's book "You are here", where he says our mother, father, grandfather and all ancestors exist in every cell of our body and consciousness.  This part especially moved me, since many of young ancestors are among all of you:

"Your spiritual ancestors are also within you. Some of these ancestors are still quite young. Your brothers and sisters in Dharma, and the person who guided your first steps in practice, are your very young ancestors.  Your teacher is your ancestor and your teacher's teacher. So we don't need to travel through time or space to get in touch with our spiritual and genetic ancestors.  If we dwell in present moment, we can touch them in the here and now through mindful breathing and deep looking. It's amazing how we can do so many wonderful things while sitting on our meditation cushions."   


Posted by Nilam Chauhan on Apr 23, 2015