" Hiking At Wahclella Falls"
--Padmaja Murtinty
3 minute read
Jun 16, 2015


I had an opportunity to hike in silence at Wahclella falls , Portland , Oregon last weekend .It was an amazing experience as I was able togo deeper and connect to nature in a very different way.

Every day we would start the hike with a small meditation and prayer hike the whole day, take a small break for lunch and hike again ending the day with meditation.,. As I was walking over " Bridge of Gods" over the columbia river, there was lot of fear rising as you can see the river directly below you through the gaps. I have fear of heights but I kept on walking in silence. There was a process in which we had to put over burdens in a rock and throw it in the river. It was a powerful process as I put my " fear" & "ego" into the rocks and through it in the river. Surprisingly when I walked back there was less fear and felt like something opening up in me.

We started the hike for the falls where the steepness if the mountains is 2000 ft. I told myself that I have given my fear away , I can do this. As I started the walk there was beautiful lake on the side , since everything was silent, I could hear the soothing sound of water and felt calmer. As we ascended there were so many beautiful plants with yellow, orange and red flowers. I also saw some naked snakes( never seen them before). At one point there was steep very narrow point to cross. I took my attention to the present moment and a voice inside started saying " you can do it go ahead" I smiled again reminding myself of the rock and columbia river and crossed the point with ease. " My fear of heights had completely vanished! I started enjoying the hike until we reached the beautiful waterfalls which had so much beauty, strength and sacredness to it. Some of us went down close to the falls . It felt like the water was pouring and cleansing every thing through the body. I felt a rush of energy going through the body and opening up the tight spots I had . It felt like a total release.. There was a lady next to me yelling " Thank You God " with tears in her eyes.

I sat there near a stream with others. It was our lunch time. I closes my eyes and felt like I should be grateful for everything that has brought this beautiful moment in my life. Suddenly I thought of awakening circles on Wednesdays, The meditation in silence and eating food in silence are such a powerful processes to connect to our "true authentic self". I thought of the 21 day challenge that encouraged to use our time with technology more efficiently and to spend time with nature. I caught myself sitting with "tears of gratitude" to have such beautiful profound experiences in life.

We did the same hike the second day and I felt I could talk to the trees, hear the birds sing to me and there was water trickling from the mountains and when sun shined on it it felt like drops of jewels falling from the sky. Overall an amazing experience of connecting and being one with nature. I am grateful Dinesh Uncle, Harshita aunty and overall the whole Mehta family for holding such a wonderful space week after week so that we can go deeper and get a glimpse of our true self which makes every experience in life so beautiful. My wholehearted thanks to you. " You guys Rock"



Posted by Padmaja Murtinty on Jun 16, 2015