It's Taken Me 20 Years But ...
--Bradley Stoll
1 minute read
Sep 3, 2015


It's taken me 20 years but I've finally discovered why I teach. What my purpose is, if you will. It's really simple; to expose my students to kindness. Shower them with kindness and compassion and help them be still. This evening a student of mine sent me this article. It's amazing how much we know and how little we do with this knowledge. At our school it's "cool to be smart". Well, it should be "cool to be kind", also...everywhere in the world, too, not just in schools. I love the idea of gifting the bracelets when kind acts are witnessed. And then tracking the bracelet through the internet. How cool is that?! I can only imagine the ripples this will put into motion. Kindness, Love and Compassion to and for all <3.   


Posted by Bradley Stoll on Sep 3, 2015