Anonymity Of KindSpring
--Michaele Premet-Rosen
1 minute read
May 23, 2016


I was quite moved by this recent post by a thoughtful member, and particularly by the last two paragraphs:

When I came across KindSpring, my first thought was that I didn't want to get involved in another form of social media. I quickly learned, however, that KindSpring is different. What surprised me most is the anonymity factor. On Facebook, if I don't know the person, I don't engage in conversation with them. The KindSpring community has given me a level of comfort with anonymity I didn't expect. When I comment on someone's story, or when someone comments on mine, I don't know (in most cases) if that person is male or female, young or old, gay or straight, Democrat or Republican, Christian or Muslim, well-educated or not. What I do know is that everyone with whom I've come in contact on KindSpring has made me feel welcome, valued, and appreciated.

I often wonder who you are, where you're from, what you do (or did) for a living, etc., but those things are far less important than making someone new to the community feel so comfortable -- as so many of you have done for me. For this feeling of connectedness, this sense of belonging, I am very grateful.

Posted by Michaele Premet-Rosen on May 23, 2016