I Am Reflecting On All Of ...
--Ariel Nessel
1 minute read
Sep 13, 2016


I am reflecting on all of the direct evidence I have seen for the below quote from MLK JR in all things Service Space.

When we show up together under our shared agreement to listen (both inward and outward), to receive what has been given, and to pay forward the blessings in our life, magic seems to be the reliable outcome, even in this inherently unreliable existence.

Life is incredibly unfair, and I have been the chief beneficiary of this. I feel so deeply called to serve those who either weren't given a voice or haven't yet found theirs. Too often, however, I do this in a way that is not grounded in the reality of who I am truly serving -- me.

The presence/presents my Service Space community has offered me nourishes and sustains this heart of mine, opening my tunnel vision to see my self and the world more broadly and to meet this moment exactly as it is, in all of its profound beauty and brutality.

Now where is that darn emoji of me doing a full prostration!

"Everybody can be great...because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love."  

PS. Here's a photo of the full prostration in lieu of the emoji :)


Posted by Ariel Nessel on Sep 13, 2016

2 Past Reflections