Starhawk, Author And Activist, Stayed With ...
--Colleen Choi
1 minute read
Dec 2, 2016


Starhawk, author and activist, stayed with us in the yurt and took part in the Women's silent march last Sunday. Here is her reflection from her trip to Standing Rock.

"I stood behind Cheryl [Angel] and listened to one of the most powerful moments of pure nonviolence I’ve ever experienced. She prayed aloud, apologizing to the earth and the waters for our failure to protect them, speaking to the police who stood on the other side of the barrier and telling them that our prayers were for them, too, and for the safety of their children and grandchildren. She spoke with such heartfelt power, sometimes crying, sometimes smiling—and I was watching the faces of the officers change, from that stone-faced cop look to meeting her eyes. I saw their faces soften, and saw them begin to nod... But listening to Cheryl, I began to to believe that maybe we can invite even the police to our table, that maybe a strategy for this time of ever-consolidated power might be, as I wrote in The Fifth Sacred Thing, to fight on the terrain of consciousness, to contest not the guns but the mind that chooses whether or not to use the gun."

Thanksgiving at Standing Rock « Starhawk's Website

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Posted by Colleen Choi on Dec 2, 2016