Kindness Around Manchester Yesterday
--Michaele Premet-Rosen
1 minute read
May 23, 2017


Kindness around Manchester ... within 20 minutes of the bomb going off, tweets from locals offered strangers a place to say. Soon, countless more offered up their homes, coushes and kettles. Merchants outside the venue were giving out shirts that can used as towel for those who were bleeding. Taxis offered free rides to everyone and strangers gave long rides to out-of-town folks. Local hotels have been taking in children who attended the concert alone or who couldn't find their parents and helping them reconnect with their loved ones. There are long lines for blood donations, and hospitals said they're good for now. :) Cafes are offering free coffee to emergency services. Social media is acting as a tool for strangers to help loved ones find each other.


Posted by Michaele Premet-Rosen on May 23, 2017

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