There Is A Fable About Flies ...
--Gayathri Ramachandran
1 minute read
Jun 12, 2017


There is a fable about flies and moths. The flies made a claim to the king of moths -- We too have wings, we fly, we're just like you. Give us the status of a moth! So the Shah of Moths said, "Ok, go search for the light." The job of a moth is to search for light. The flies took off. In 15 min, they surveyed the village and came back. They reported a light here, a lamp there, a fire here, a pyre there...They buzzed around and settled down. The flies asked the king to announce the decision. The King said, "What decision?" "When your moths return, we'll know if we won or they did", the flies said. The king said, "Poor lads, the decision is already made." The flies said, "What?". The King said, "You idiots! Those who've found the light -- why do they need to come back?" The one who finds the light, surrenders to it, becomes one with it. Those who want a certificate, come back :D

Fable narrated by Fariduddin Ayaz, Qawwal and Kabir-singer from Pakistan Featured in 'Had Anhad' by Shabnam Virmani (the English translation of the fable does not fully capture the local flavour in story-telling. If you can understand Hindi, please watch the film for the full 'rasa') 


Posted by Gayathri Ramachandran on Jun 12, 2017

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