It’s Already Happening!
--Sabine Admine
1 minute read
Jun 27, 2018


Yesterday I arrived from a weekly Awakin in the neighboring town that rather turned out to be a two day long heartwarming gathering. Today I woke up and wondered: ‘How can I share this uplifting mood and happiness that was merrily reverberating in every cell?’
Blood donation it was! So, I went to the nearby village where the health center welcomed donors this very afternoon and did the procedure.

Leaving the center, I met a sister who attended our first Awakin last week in Palencia. She expressed how excited and inspired she was that, as a primary school teacher, she improvised a silent circle with her pupils as the final event of the study year. With a moment of silence, reflections, sharing, gratefulness and homemade delicacies, school kids were farewelled ‘divinely’, as commented her daughter who was also present in both; the first Awakin Circle and the circle in the farewell.

Such a beautiful amplification! :)


Posted by Sabine Admine on Jun 27, 2018