Happiness Leads To Success, Not The ...
--Lavanya Marla
1 minute read
Mar 29, 2012


Happiness leads to success, not the other way around :) "As a society, we have pushed happiness over the cognitive horizon, waiting for success to be happy. But our brains work in the opposite order. Raising positiveness level in the present leads to a 'happiness advantage', allowing the brain to perform significantly better than when it is stressed. Intelligence levels, creativity, productivity, all increase. We need to be happy to see what our brains are actually capable of" says Shawn Achor, in his TEDx talk. And gratitude, journaling, exercise, random acts of kindness and meditation are among those that lead to sustained positive change :) http://www.ted.com/talks/shawn_achor_the_happy_secret_to_better_work.html?awesm=on.ted.com_Achor&utm_campaign&utm_medium=on.ted.com-static&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_content=awesm-publisher


Posted by Lavanya Marla on Mar 29, 2012