She Was No Other, But My Sister
--Avni V
2 minute read
Jun 20, 2019


[Last weekend's retreat on Being with the Other, needless to say, was such a sacred way to spend time together with so many beautiful souls. One of my highlights was reconnecting with this formative experience I had shared in the circle! Thank you, all, for holding space.]

Being with the Other brings up an old story.

12 years ago, during my first few years in DC, I was at a party, and had met an African American man, and after a sweet conversation, we had decided to stay in touch.

As many of us prepared to left there was a fight outside over a *parking spot*! I had to run back in to grab my coat which I had left upstairs. As we heard the shots and the commotion, many of us stayed inside to try to stay safe and calm, but the voices inside didn't find refuge so easily.

Things somehow quickly escalated -- and he got shot! The police came, the area was cordoned off, and he was taken in an ambulance to the hospital. My friend had called me as she was in the ambulance as well and let me know he had passed. I would never be able to speak this man again

I was in tears for the entire week after. In fact, I was traumatized. I had never experienced anything like that before.

While many people were there for me, I needed a place to go, a place for spiritual renewal of sorts. So I went to a Church nearby. I wasn't Christian, nor did I believe in Christ, but it felt comforting for me. I met this woman, who sat with me and very compassionately read the Bible with me, for me. She was just so there. I felt held, comforted and that strength propelled me to greater healing in the days, months and years ahead.

In the face of a crisis, a complete stranger came to my rescue. Different race, different religion, different context entirely -- and yet, not an other. Her pure heart of service built a bridge. Amazing grace.


Posted by Avni V on Jun 20, 2019

2 Past Reflections