Doctors And Empathy
--Dr. Sri
1 minute read
Jun 22, 2012


Can doctors learn empathy?  From today's NY Times ... "Greater physician empathy has been associated with fewer medical errors, better patient outcomes and more satisfied patients. It also results in fewer malpractice claims and happier doctors.  A growing number of professional accrediting and licensing agencies have taken these findings to heart, developing requirements that make empathy a core value and an absolute “learning objective” for all doctors. But even for the most enthusiastic supporters of such initiatives, the vexing question remains: Can people learn to be empathetic? A new study reveals that they can. Building on research over the last decade that has shown that empathetic observers have brain activity, heart rate and skin electrical conductance that mirror those of the person undergoing the emotional experience."   


Posted by Dr. Sri on Jun 22, 2012