Karuna News: 6,000 Strangers Apart And Together
--Jasky Sor
1 minute read
May 20, 2020


Newest issue of our newsletter is out!

As Spring quietly slips into Summer, we're more apart and together than ever. Even quarantine can't quiet a 6,000-person choir. Across 100+ countries, tens of thousands sign up to be exposed to coronavirus, to help science. To help with faith, last week, religious leaders called for a global day of prayer. In Delhi, the dramatic shift from gray to blue skies reminds us of the power of daily habits at scale. As does a retired farmer -- whose habit of kindness unexpectedly ricochets into an award ceremony for his long-pending bachelor's degree!

Opportunities for compassion are everywhere we turn -- even on KarunaVirus. Say hello to KV India!

Read the full newsletter here ...


Posted by Jasky Sor on May 20, 2020