KindSpring Weekly: Spotlight On Kindness: Life Demands
--Guri Mehta
1 minute read
Apr 8, 2021


The latest issue of 'Spotlight on Kindness' weekly newsletter is themed: Spotlight On Kindness: Life Demands Presence.

Editor's Note: Every morning the sun shows up at our doorstep with an invitation in hand. We are invited to wake up and show up with all our imperfections, in our less-than-perfect lives. Do you accept the challenge? Or do you try to go through the motions and get through the day as best as you can? This week's stories offer us inspiration to pay attention to small things, bring our presence to whatever party we happened to be invited to today. Slow down to make sure we don't miss the magical moments concealed in the mundane. --Guri


Posted by Guri Mehta on Apr 8, 2021