Karuna News: Karuna News: Compassion-Fueled Innovation
1 minute read
Jun 23, 2021


Newest issue of our newsletter is out!

In this week’s Karuna News, we witness the power of social and technological innovation fueled by compassion towards humanity and the earth. In Nigeria, a social entrepreneur cleverly turns toxic plastic waste into building material and transforms the future of traditional housing for the rural community. In Nepal, a mountain guide digs into his personal savings to feed the families of fellow guides who have lost their tourist-dependent jobs during the pandemic, while in England, a fire-rescue dog uses a talk therapy technique to save a suicidal woman. These are a few examples from around the world demonstrating that compassion is a common string that tugs at the hearts of all living beings.

Read the full newsletter here ...


Posted by KarunaVirus on Jun 23, 2021