KindSpring Weekly: Spotlight On Kindness: Wisdom At
--Guri Mehta
1 minute read
Jul 4, 2021


The latest issue of 'Spotlight on Kindness' weekly newsletter is themed: Spotlight On Kindness: Wisdom At Work.

Editor's Note: Much of our life our lives are spent working, and usuallyinclude partnering with others. At every position I've been in, the human dynamics have always been interesting to see. I have had the fortune of working in some great teams with a sprinkle of one or two challenging colleagues. I'm amazed by how much one individual can bring to a group. The ones dedicated to the collective goal, always looking at the bright side with humor, are such a joy to work with each day. Given the time we spend working, it's a precious gift to grow together. --Guri


Posted by Guri Mehta on Jul 4, 2021