Karuna News: The Quiet Potential Of Yes
1 minute read
Aug 18, 2021


Newest issue of our newsletter is out!

In our Karuna News this week, we discover how simply saying yes to kindness has the potential to bear unexpected ripples that travel around the world touching thousands, or millions of lives. In Albany, New York, we are touched by a story about a small movement that began as a community fridge to feed neighborhoods with limited access to food that was later expanded as a global movement dubbed "Global Community Fridge Networks," helping to feed more people around the world. In Malawi, we learn about a young musician who put her career on hold to begin a community-education program to help combat Covid-19 misinformation while also distributing hand-made face masks. These and many more stories are a gentle nudge towards saying a quiet "yes" to kindness and then acting upon it boldly.

Read the full newsletter here ...


Posted by KarunaVirus on Aug 18, 2021