KindSpring Weekly: Spotlight On Kindness: Heroes And
--Guri Mehta
1 minute read
Sep 12, 2021


The latest issue of 'Spotlight on Kindness' weekly newsletter is themed: Spotlight On Kindness: Heroes And Survivors.

Editor's Note: Twenty years ago, on 9/11, I remember a friend calling me in the morning with the tragic news. For weeks, many of us were glued to the TV trying to process the aftermath, laden with stories of loss and heroism. Looking back at it now, I'm reminded that tomorrow is not guaranteed. And life shouldn't be taken for granted. We need to make every moment count and do what matters most. On this day of remembrance, we honor heroes and survivors who remind us that kindness is what carries us. --Guri


Posted by Guri Mehta on Sep 12, 2021