Karuna News: Sightings Of Resilience
1 minute read
Sep 29, 2021


Newest issue of our newsletter is out!

There is no place on earth where the Covid-19 pandemic has not affected daily life. From citizens in wealthy countries to those in low-income nations, we are all united in collective, global expressions of resilience across this difficult period in our world’s history. This week, we meet French native, Colette Maze, a centenarian who has been playing the piano for 102 years. Since her birth 107 years ago, Colette has witnessed two world wars; her hopeful message to the world is a nod to the power of remaining youthful at heart and seeing the potential of any situation. This message is further demonstrated by bold kindnesses around the world. We travel to Thailand, where taxi rooftops turn into tiny gardens growing vegetables for economically stranded drivers, and then to Ontario, Canada, where we are touched by an unlikely bond between a homeless man and a woman who spontaneously offered him shelter in her backyard. These and more stories are shining glimpses of how citizens around the world are rebuilding communities, one kind act at a time.

Read the full newsletter here ...


Posted by KarunaVirus on Sep 29, 2021