Aumatma Shares ...
--Aumatma Shah
1 minute read
Feb 26, 2011


Oprah: "The amount of time and energy I've spent thinking about what my next meal will be is incalculable: what to eat, what I just ate, how many calories or grams of fat it contains, how much exercise I'll need to do to burn it off, what if I don't work out, how long will it take to manifest as extra pounds, and on and on. Food has been on my mind a lot the past 30 years.  What I'm only now realizing, though, is that while I think about food so much and have used and abused it as a substitute for contentment, I've never been a conscious eater."  She went vegan for 21 days, and got her whole staff of 378 folks to go vegan for a week!


Posted by Aumatma Shah on Feb 26, 2011