Jenny Shares ...
--Jenny Douglas
1 minute read
Oct 16, 2011


My daughter Delilah and I spent a few hours yesterday at the Gowanus Open Studios, an annual weekend event here in Brooklyn in which some 120 local artists invite the public to view their work. As D. and I embarked on our tour, we were referred to a table blanketed with artists' business cards and promotional materials. And amidst the noise and voices of so many worthy, creative people crying out to be heard, what caught my attention in a corner of the table is this: six rows of colored pieces glass, each the size of a large button, their backs hand-written in silver in a language I didn't understand. A small sign below said, "Please take one." We never got to the studio of the artist who offered the glass, but as my own piece sits by a window and catches the sun while I prepare breakfast today, I'm reminded anew that my life's transformative moments have occurred in the face of generosity simply presenting itself. I can only say thank you, and do as the glass-maker has done.


Posted by Jenny Douglas on Oct 16, 2011