Giftivism Ripples
--Siddharth Sthalekar
1 minute read
Nov 10, 2012


Two weeks ago, Awakin Delhi started with a group of 12 meeting for the first gathering and plan to continue each week (thanks to Prathur, Kishan and Pratyush).  Few days later, few of them went out for a kindness event and Vidhu has even designed her own Smile Cards now.  In Bangalore, Susheel is set to start Seva Cafe on Dec 2nd, while in Bombay Hetal, Lahar, Priyanka and myself created a spontaneous experiment this morning: "Few of us decided that we want to make breakfast for tired walkers on a jogging trail, with no strings attached. So we cooked some breakfast, made some lemonade and served it to all passerbys.  People went crazy, and there was talk about this kindness all over; I met a couple who had heard about us from the other side of the park!  We must have given out almost 50 plates and 40 glasses of lemonade, and lots of smiles."  Couple days earlier, Ragu and Nisha spoke eloquently at Sachi's Wednesday gathering in Bombay, while in Pune, Beena completed a thirty day kindness challenge with a heartwarming act for a blind woman.  The ripples of the Giftivism in India are rippling in so many directions in so many ways!


Posted by Siddharth Sthalekar on Nov 10, 2012