About Me  

I'm joining Service Space because ... I Love helping people :)

A good day to me is when ... I live in the moment like it is my last

My hero in life is ...My Big Brother

My favorite book is ...Old path white clouds

One thing I'm grateful for is ... The time we shared together...

Your Love Has Touched My Heart

Jul 18, 2019, 1 comments, 10 smiles [At our retreat last month in London, Debbie felt suddenly queasy. An unsuspecting act of kindness by one of the participants moved her so deeply, that she wrote a poem about it.] Your Love Has Touched My Heart (A poem about a moment of kindness that remains Here in timelessness.) It's not with fine sounding words That we will win back the world For God, Though words may come when necessary. It's not with beautiful offerings Of music and food and flowers and candles, Though these may be here, Enhancing and lighting up The Way. It is with each tiny flicker of Love, That ignites in our hearts, Compelling our hands To reach out And truly touch The hearts of those around us, Fanning into flame the same flicker of Love In their hearts. May this One Fire Grow And burn brighter Than any desire of the ego For recognition or admiration, Brighter than any desire To be special, Or better or more important Than others. May it burn Until it returns Each soul To the Silence And Stillness Within

You Are Everyone And Everyone Is You

Mar 02, 2018, 4 smiles Came across this interesting article on a different perspective: You Are Everyone and Everyone Is You: Here's an excerpt: I came across an interesting piece of writing by a man named Andy Weir. [...] It’s called “The Egg”, and what takes place in this piece is a conversation between “God” and a middle-aged man in his afterlife. God tells him that the man is dead, and that he will be reincarnated to a peasant girl in 540 AD. Confused, the man asks why and how can he be reincarnated into someone who has already lived in the past (and even someone of a different gender). God states that time is just a man made concept, and that, to God, things are different. The man then asks what many of us on Earth would ask if ever in this situation: “So what’s the point of it all?” Below is the conversation that takes ... Read Full Story