About Me
I'm joining Service Space because ... i want to be around people who also want to change the world one smile at a time, who see that there is so much potential instead of not having a chance to do anything
A good day to me is when ... i got to spend some time in the sun as well as having nurturing conversations
My hero in life is ...my mum
My favorite book is ...Momo
One thing I'm grateful for is ... Traveling
Another Awakin In Austria!
Jan 21, 2019, 3 comments, 11 smiles Johannes and I just hosted our first Awakin circle (in Austria) yesterday -- a full-moon night! We are so so grateful for all your support. It was a wonderful experience. My heart was filled with so much love and joy during the whole preparation time as well as the circle itself. I tried to great each new person by internally welcoming them and sending them the love I felt, as they came in, for I was able to tell without looking who it was (we only were 10 people :D). Afterwards my friend told me, how she had planned her meditation technique in advance and was prepared to follow her routine, but then when she entered the room, she said she was overwhelmed by the love she felt and just could not follow the routine she had planned, so she sat there filled with love and joy and for the first ... Read Full Story