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Living Theology At The Bottom

Sep 22, 2021, 5 comments, 3 smiles [I was deeply touched by Chaz Howard's recent Awakin reading, and particularly, the recent conversation he had with Nipun. Below were my reflections for our local Awakin Circle.] I wanted to touch on five different things from what stood out for me in this remarkable passage. I was struck by a number of things. First the idea of lived theology, to live your faith, but then to live it at the “bottom” as a way to gain spiritual insight and compassion. And, of course, Chaz did this! He spent time living by choice on the street, amongst the homeless, in Philadelphia where he’s from. So, he really can speak from that personal experience, as he does in the conversation with Nipun and in the book he's also written. The next thing that struck me was the idea of the wounded heart as being a source for great compassion or great violence. This spoke ... Read Full Story

When I Shared What I Had Never Shared Before

May 25, 2018, 3 comments, 9 smiles [Below is a transcript of what I had shared to open one of the sacred Awakin Circles last month, when the reading was on stepping into the unknown.] I think it's an interesting question about being willing to give up your attachment to how things ought to be, to be with the uncertainty and then to still move forward on faith that whatever path you choose will actually lead somewhere meaningful. I've lived most of my adult life with chronic depression and for years and years, maybe for 30 years, I was never comfortable about saying anything about it. One day, I was in a workshop -- a very safe space, very much like this Awakin Circle -- and we were encouraged to share something we'd never shared before that created the possibility of making a real difference. And so when it came to my turn, I thought, well, you know, this workshop ... Read Full Story