About Me  

I'm joining Service Space because ... Service space rocks!!! This community of noble friends encourages me to dive into deeper truths of my self and others and become a better human being!

A good day to me is when ... I have been mindful and aware in every moment and balanced / When I have made someone smile.

My hero in life is ...too many to list but let's begin with 'you'

My favorite book is ...illusions, siddhartha, moved by love

One thing I'm grateful for is ... the serendipitous happenings in my life :)

Power Of Prayer: Circle With Maki, Rika & Yuka

Nov 11, 2020, 3 comments, 9 smiles This month in our community anchors circle we took a deep dive into the theme of 'Power of Prayer' and it was the most blissful, amazing, sacred, soul touching circle. With lot of gratitude in my heart for the Saionji family, I pray, I am able to capture the essence of it in this blog. "Prayer is not seen with the eyes. That is why people who have awakened to their spirituality must go first, filling every corner of their life with prayer. Through their actions, their way of life, and their personality, others will awaken, too." -- Masahisa Goi ‘PRAYER’ a word that can sometimes be so charged and heavy and come with all its pre-existing ideas and notions based on our personal experiences and family traditions. For me, it has always meant that moment when I could truly connect with self or rather ‘surrender’ to the higher design. It were ... Read Full Story

Finding Hope Through Circles

Aug 05, 2018, 2 comments, 14 smiles Yesterday, we witnessed the power of bringing young people together in a circle and creating space for them to share their problems, own up their mistakes and come up with solutions. We are working on a case where 16 children have been alleged of leaking a SSC board exam paper on whatsapp. While the Juvenile Justice Act of India is not retributive but reformative and focuses on rehabilitation through education and vocational training for offenses committed by children under the age of 18, the Maharashtra State Board has debarred these children from giving exams until March 2020. Which means, these 15 year old students will loose out on 3 important years of education. It’s a big punishment for receiving paper on whatsapp. While we are in the process of drafting a letter to the high court, in this matter, children’s parents have been extremely tensed not just for the future of their ... Read Full Story

A Hundred Thousand Times

May 15, 2018, 7 comments, 30 smiles [I met Lobsang in December. We were organizing Awakin Talks and when we met it didn't feel like we're meeting for the first time. He's a monk who left his monastery. So yeah, I thought that you know, he's a monk, he's traveled the world with H.H Dalai Lama and very close to him. So, I expected a very serious man who was going to say very profound things. He did say profound things, but it was very, very joyous and lighthearted. Lobsang comes from a place in India called Arunachal Pradesh from a small village, which is beyond Tawang. He takes three days to reach just the airport that can get him here. While going to his place, he has to cross a forest, which is dangerous to cross even in the daytime. He has a place which he calls Jhamtse Gatsal, which is "Garden of Love and Compassion," ... Read Full Story

Gandhi 3.0 Video! :)

Apr 07, 2018, 28 comments, 44 smiles "The world needs change, yes. The education system is broken, the political system is broken, every possible system you can think of needs change. But as you deepen, one might say the biggest system that needs change is this -- my own mind, the fragmented way in which I look at the world." That's really hard, but maybe if you and I hold that inquiry together, a third new possibility might reveal itself in the co-created field of our love. A possibly of inner and outer transformation. With some wonderful editing work by Divyang, and a gang of our media volunteers, here is our Gandhi 3.0 video ... Just seeing the screenshot of all our happy faces makes my heart sing! Thank you, all, for those incredible 5-10 days that none of us ever could've predicted.

As We Broke The Fast In ...

May 12, 2017, 23 smiles As we broke the fast in the Juvenile home, I was amazed at how the boundaries of religion only exist in our mind. In the four walls of the home, I witnessed 3 Muslim boys insist everyone - rest of the Hindu boys and us to break the fast with them. And 3 of them cut the fruits for all of us! While many would have witnessed violence in such places, time and again I am amazed by the brotherhood and friendships one develops in the home. In the morning, I had heard one of the boys say how they have been breaking the fast with the morning's meal every day. Today they got fruits. And I was touched by how selflessly they wanted to offer the fruits to us. They could have easily saved it for eating at night or for the next day as there is no guarantee they would get fruits again! But they insisted that we wait and be part of Iftar.  It's a blessing to witness kindness and love in this form!

Jayeshbhai's Awakin Talk

Jun 08, 2014, 6 comments, 13 smiles Early in the year, we had an "Awakin Talks" gathering -- where transformation driven change agents shared their incredible stories. Our opening speaker was none other than Jayesh-bhai!  Long while back, Emmanuel captured his beautiful video; he spoke as one of the earliest Awakin Call guest, Madhu captured him at a ServiceSpace retreat on Laddership, and many continue to blog about him. Most recently, he wowed us again last December as Nimo interviewed him for his second Awakin Call.  To add to the mix, here's the latest recording of short -- and touching! -- talk in January 2014: