Choosing Positive Affirmations

May 04, 2024

Quote of the Week

"Don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart." - Roy T. Bennett

How To Teach Kids To Engage In Positive Self-Talk

"What Is Positive Self-Talk?
At its core, positive self-talk is a coping mechanism that empowers kids to reframe their thinking, nurtures resilience, and builds self-esteem. As an essential part of social-emotional learning, positive self-talk is about so much more than fostering a positive attitude. Overall, the goal of positive self-talk is to train the brain to recognize strengths, opportunities for improvement or growth, and reasons to try again. [...]

Benefits of Positive Self-Talk
All kids, especially tweens and teens, are prone to self-doubt. They have a lot of negative messages and thoughts wearing them down and chipping away at their self-esteem. For instance, it is not uncommon for kids to think—and say—negative things about themselves like "I am such a loser," or "I am no good at math."

These examples of negative self-talk are harmful to your child's confidence and resiliency. In fact, if these things are said often enough, your child may begin to believe them. But, if you encourage your child to be more positive in their views of themselves and to engage in positive self-talk you can help them become more positive, self-confident, more resilient, and more willing to face challenges head on." [read more]

Reading Corner

Title: My Magical Choices - Teach Kids to Choose a Great Day with their Choices!

By: Becky Cummings

Ages: 3-6

"Do your children realize they have one of life's greatest gifts, the ability to make choices that determine how their day will go?
Life can be rough. We can't always control what will happen, but we can always decide how we respond to it. When we teach kids that they have the power to choose their reactions, it shifts everything! By choosing positive actions, kids feel happier and build lifelong healthy habits.

No more, "I can't, I don't know, or I'm not!" My Magical Choices presents 13 "I choose" statements that empower children to take responsibility for their days and inspire them to use conscious language and choose to be calm, forgiving, brave, honest, friendly, and much more." - Publishers

Be the Change

Positive self-talk can have a big impact on how we think and feel. Over time, engaging in more positive self-talk can help reduce stress, improve self-esteem, increase motivation, inspire productivity, and improve overall mental and physical health. Need some ideas to get started, here are some cool ways to incorporate positive self-talk in a fun way.