Listening connects us with the wider dimension of life; transcending time and space. It takes me to, when seeing a delicious dish, there is an immediate "shrinking of my stomach..." to make it clearer... a slight yet subtle physical retreat. But when I don't listen and I let my craving be stronger than my perceptions (the not listening) that which I eat, negatively impacts my digestive process. Yes, I cherish that soft voice, profound and powerful; always present!
On Feb 12, 2024Rachael Hammerlein wrote:
yes, your right and thnaks for putting it that way, transending space and time, it reminds me that there are always possabities opening. interesting you have connected the sense of sight and feeling of hunger to the listening. you have shared in a way that shows the inner happenings in a very real and tangiable way. thank you.
On Mar 6, 2023 Mercedes wrote: