I was wonder at how fast life shifts for me when I listen. I love this idea that both God and each of us are witnessing life unfolding, with each of us along our own personal path. It fire with the notion that we are never given anything we are not ready for, even if we still feel unprepared for it! And yet if I follow the guidance things land exactly where I have intended, or maybe how the universe intended. Usually not how I thought it would unfold, but generally amazing how manifesting actually occurs. An example of this from my life was when I built a huge retreat centre with timber frame and straw bale construction. It took 5 years and my heart was in the whole process and my career. My mantra was that I was building it to last for future generations, with a great sustainable structure. I forgot to add that I wanted to enjoy it also. Within two years I had to leave my marriage suddenly and the property passed soon after to my son and his family.
I bet Mother Teresa was sometimes surprised also at what she ‘heard’ in prayer and had to follow. I think she had grit and determination that I admire and aspire to keep up on my path.
On Mar 6, 2023 Fiona Dightam wrote: